Monday, March 9, 2009

Picture Time!

This weekend I went to Llano to see Brian. His mom had found this old rock house, and she wanted us to be her guinea pigs for pictures. I took this as the perfect opportunity to take some engagement pictures. Here are a couple from the over 100 pictures we took!!

Spring Break is next week and man am I ready!! School has been stressful and I am ready to be done! I have a job interview next Thursday so hopefully that will go ok and I can have a job. Wouldn't it be nice to not have to worry about where I will work?!? I am planning on moving to the Llano/Fredericksburg area to be closer to Brian. Since we haven't set another wedding date yet, I think this would be the perfect time to be closer to Brian and experience another town. I need to be out on my own before we're married :) I've always lived with family members so this will be a new experience!
The only part I hate about packing all my stuff! I moved to College Station, moved once while in CS, moved back home to Wall, and now I will move again. This time I am not taking that much stuff so that will at least make it somewhat easier! Today I went and looked at paint samples. I want to paint a room a color called Coffee au'lait...its really pretty, but all I ever hear is if you paint your room dark it will look smaller..any thoughts?? I love the color brown and have always wanted to paint a room that color.
Well off to do some studying and cook supper. I'm trying manicotti stuffed looks good, but kinda long to prepare! Wish me luck and I'll post a recipe if it's good :)

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